Disop Hidrohealth RGP


In stock (can be backordered)

DISOP Hidro Health RGP  is a multipurpose solution that cleans, disinfects and rinses all types of rigid-gas permeable contact lenses.

  • For all rigid-gas permeable contact lenses (NOT meant for soft lenses)

Instruction for use

  • You should wash and rinse your hands well before handling the product.
  • Remove one of the contact lenses, place it on the palm of your hand, add several drops of multipurpose solution and rub both sides of the lens carefully with your index finger for twenty seconds.
  • After cleaning the lens, place it in the empty lens case and add multipurpose solution until the lens is completely covered by the liquid.
  • Repeat the same operation with the other contact lens.
  • Keep the contact lenses in the closed case overnight for at least six hours to obtain proper disinfection.
  • Before using the lenses, rinse them for five seconds to remove any deposits from the lens surface and insert them in your eyes.



  • Do not reuse the product. Renew the multipurpose solution of the lens case daily.
  • Keep the product tightly closed when not in use and avoid all contact between the dropper and any surface to prevent contamination.
  • Use before expiration date. Make sure the seal is not broken before using the product for the first time. Once open, use within 90 days.
  • Clean the inside of the lens case regularly and allow it to air-dry.
  • Stop use and ask a doctor if you experience eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye, or if the condition worsens or persists for more than 72 hours.
  • Store at temperature between 5 to 35°C, in cool, dry places. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
  • Do not mix tablets with other fluids except as directed.
  • Keep the product out of reach of children.


Contents: Sodium chloride, boric acid, sodium tetraborate, poloxamer, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, disodium edetate 0.1% and polyhexamethylene biguanide 0.0004% in purified water.


Manufactured by: Disop (Madrid)


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