Maxim Blue


Minimum order quantity: 4

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Minimum order quantity: 4

Maxim Colour lens is a high quality lens from Korea highly sought by colour lens wearers.

  • Colour-lock technology – perfectly sandwich the design and colours on top of a base layer to maintain the integrity of the front of your eye
  • Advanced 3 Curve Optics – thinner and more comfortable lenses along with the higher water content to provide a constant steady flow of oxygen to your cornea.
  • UV protection – protect your eyes from the harmful rays that is known to cause cataract and other UV ray induced complications

Modality: Monthly

Lenses/box: 2 pieces

Material: Polymacon

Water content: 42%

Base curve: 8.6 / 8.7mm (depending on colour)

Diameter: 14.2 / 14.5mm (depending on colour)

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