

All Singapore orders will automatically be treated as pre-order


World’s first myopia control soft contact lenses

  • MiSight® daily disposable contact lenses not only optically correct existing myopia, giving clear distance and near vision, but MiSight® has also been proven to slow the progression of myopia in most children. Our Myopia Management System® is a holistic approach to minimizing the progression of myopia by combining MiSight® contact lenses with ActivControl® Technology and strategies for better eye health.

At a glance

  • Reduces myopic progression, for better vision when not wearing glasses or contact lenses
  • Reduces the chance of developing high levels of myopia (-6.00D or more) which may lower the incidence of eye diseases associated with short-sightedness such as retinal detachment and glaucoma
  • May improve the self-esteem of children and teenagers in terms of their ability to participate in sporting activities and their social acceptance
  • Daily disposable lenses mean there’s no cleaning, disinfection or worrying about lost lenses
  • Low dehydration rates, delivers suitable oxygen transmission for daily wear and provide good all-day comfort and eye health

Modality: Daily

Lenses/box: 30 pieces

Material: omafilcon D

Water content: 60%

Base curve: 8.7mm

Diameter: 14.2mm

Dk/t (oxygen permeability): 28

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-0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00, -2.25, -2.50, -2.75, -3.00, -3.25, -3.50, -3.75, -4.00, -4.25, -4.50, -4.75, -5.00, -5.25, -5.50, -5.75, -6.00


Overseas order – Shipping, ( Tampines West ) Tampines St 81 Blk 825 #01-72 (S520825), ( Woodlands ) Woodlands Dr 50 Blk 888 #01-743 (S730888), ( Woodlands North )Woodlands St 82 Blk 883 #01-490 (S731883), ( Marsiling ) Block 4 Woodlands Street 12 #02-18 MARSILING MALL, ( Jurong West ) Jurong West St 61 Blk 638 #01-07 (S640638), ( Old Airport Road )Jalan Tiga Blk 41 #01-06 (S390041), ( Tampines East ) 11 Tampines St 32 #01-12 (S529287)

Singapore orders: Please send us your preferred appointment schedule either in the 'Check Out' page under 'Order Notes' or e-mail it to us.
All local orders of products with prescription (i.e ophthalmic and contact lenses) will automatically be treated as pre-orders upon check out and payment. An eye examination will be scheduled and customers will have to drop by at selected stores for the check before the glasses or contact lenses are dispensed.
The local authorities forbid the sale of contact lens online. Refer to the Optometrists and Opticians board guidelines and regulations for more information

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