Crizal Prevencia

Crizal Prevencia lenses protects you against harmful blue light, reflections, scratches, oil, dust, water and UV rays


Essilor Crizal Prevencia

Block out the bad light and let in the good
Crizal Prevencia is the first clear lens to prevent long-term damages for your eyes by selectively filtering harmful UV and blue light.


Maximises the benefits of light, while reducing the risks.
UV light from the sun can cause cataracts, while blue light can cause AMD. By choosing Crizal Prevencia, you are protecting your eyes on a daily basis and maintaining your long term eye health.
At the same time, it lets in the good light that regulates sleep and mood, and boosts brain activity.


Our advanced technology provides the most effective UV protection possible, and filters out harmful blue-violet light. Look out for the Eye Sun Protection Factor (E-SPF*) to be sure your eyes are protected.

This no-glare lens gives you the best vision in all light conditions, and is resistant to smudges, scratches, dust and water.


Crizal’s latest innovation selectively filters light

  1. Prevents premature eye aging by selectively filtering out harmful blue light
    Reduces retinal cell death by 25%
  2. Preserves your overall well-being
    By letting essential visible light pass through (including good Blue-Turquoise)
    Sleep/wake cycles, mood, cognitive performances etc
  3. Improved vision comfort
    From dazzling outdoor blue light and indoor digital screens
  4. Provides optimal vision & durable transparency


Lens Index SPH CYL Max Compound
1.56 +6.00 to -8.00  


1.60 -0.00 to -10.00 -10.00/-2.00
Airwear +4.00 to -8.00 -6.00
1.67 -2.50 to -12.00 -10.00


*Please check in store for other product or degree unlisted here (e.g higher Rx degree)


Find out more about Essilor here


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Refractive Index

1.56, 1.60 (Thin), Airwear (Impact resistant), 1.67 (Super thin), 1.74 (Ultra thin)

Sphere (SPH)

-0.00, -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00, -2.25, -2.50, -2.75, -3.00, -3.25, -3.50, -3.75, -4.00, -4.25, -4.50, -4.75, -5.00, -5.25, -5.50, -5.75, -6.00, -6.25, -6.50, -6.75, -7.00, -7.25, -7.50, -7.75, -8.00 (Max SPH available for 1.50 & 1.60 indexes*), -8.25, -8.50, -8.75, -9.00, -9.25, -9.50, -9.75, -10.00 (Max SPH available for Airwear index*), -10.25, -10.50, -10.75, -11.00, -11.25, -11.50, -11.75, -12.00, +0.25 (All '+' SPH are not available in 1.60 and 1.67 index*), +0.50, +0.75, +1.00, +1.25, +1.50, +1.75, +2.00, +2.25, +2.50, +2.75, +3.00, +3.25, +3.50, +3.75, +4.00, +4.25, +4.50, +4.75, +5.00, +5.25, +5.50, +5.75, +6.00

Cylinder (CYL)

None, -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00

Axis (AX)

None, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180


Overseas order – Shipping, ( Tampines West ) Tampines St 81 Blk 825 #01-72 (S520825), ( Woodlands ) Woodlands Dr 50 Blk 888 #01-743 (S730888), ( Woodlands North )Woodlands St 82 Blk 883 #01-490 (S731883), ( Marsiling ) Block 4 Woodlands Street 12 #02-18 MARSILING MALL, ( Jurong West ) Jurong West St 61 Blk 638 #01-07 (S640638), ( Old Airport Road )Jalan Tiga Blk 41 #01-06 (S390041), ( Tampines East ) 11 Tampines St 32 #01-12 (S529287)

Please send us your prescription and the necessary information either in the 'CheckOut' page under 'Order Notes' or e-mail it to us.
All local orders of products with prescription (i.e ophthalmic and contact lenses) will automatically be treated as pre-orders upon check out and payment. An eye examination will be scheduled and customers will have to drop by at selected stores for the check before the glasses or contact lenses are dispensed.
If you have your own prescription and wish for us to send you the product(s), please read the following guidelines by the Optometrists and Opticians board guidelines and regulations and send us the necessary information either in the 'CheckOut' page under 'Order Notes' or e-mail it to us.

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